Darts and Beer You’re in the Clear, Number Four Whatta Score!

Last night we hung out at Adam V’s place and played Cricket, Killers and 301. It was a blast. I’m particularly fond of the game “killers”. In the game, each player throws a dart to determine which number will be theirs. Upon deciding the numbers, everyone is given 7 lives. You must hit the double to become a “killer”. Then you go after your opponents lives. It was difficult–and I actually threw pretty well. Dena, Adam’s sweetheart, made us Chex mix from scratch (it was even warm out of the oven) and we tried to “fry” the remainder of the Samuel Adams keg leftover from the weekend. That didn’t work. We also ordered Davanni’s hoagies and calzones as well as ate leftover birthday cake. It felt like a holiday! Anyway, mad props to the boyz and their 3l33t skillz. It was definitely up there on the list for “Guys Night Out”.

Christopher Reeve

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” -Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve, best known for his work in the Superman films, died yesterday due to heart complications. Reeve, paralyzed nine years ago in an equestrian accident was an advocate of stem cell research and devoted his life to the researching a cure for spinal chord injuries. He was 52.

He was a hero of mine when I was a kid. I dug out one of my Superman shirts (adult size of course) this morning and put it on in honor. I’ve been getting a lot of positive comments at work because of it.

Superman the movie directed by Richard Donner is still number 1 in my top ten Superhero movies. The fourth installment was co-written by Reeve. He was attempting to make a statement and wanted to write about one of the biggest threats to mankind…nuclear weapons. In the utopian script Superman addresses all world leaders and rids the world of nuclear threat. Though the movie was a box-office failure and truly the cheesiest of the 4 installments starring Reeve, it was an idealistic dream that Reeve executed based solely on his personal convictions.

A little over a year ago, I purchased his second book since his accident entitled, “Nothing is Impossible”. It details his struggle of dealing with his disability, becoming an actor and finding his path in life. I read it in a day. It was quite inspirational to read about your childhood hero who could fly, was paralyzed and learned to love life despite his obstacles–which brings us back to the quote at the beginning of this entry. He was a man of conviction, strength and perseverance. He was a super man.

Rest in peace.

Link: Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation

I Robot

So, I think I might enter something in a photoshop contest at some point and I was playing around with my skills. Here is an example of a drawing of a robot I made that I may incorporate into a Photoshop drawing. These are originals drawn and manipulated by myself and may not be used without my permission.

Image one: Rough Draft

Image two: Testing textures and shapes

Image 3: Clean it up.

Image 4: Final touches

Image 5: Robot #4 is ready for incorporation into my final project and is now my hand piece of clipart!

Let me know what you think…