
Tomorrow I will be having my tonsils out. Although I’m not thrilled that I’ll be having an operation and suffering for the next two weeks, I will be happy once it is all over–because hopefully I will be a lot healthier.

For the last couple of months I’ve had irritated and swollen tonsils. It drains me throughout the day. In the morning I’m usually OK but they just seem to wear out as the day goes on. Typically when I get sick I tend to hang onto the sickness longer because my tonsils just seem to get infected to easily. I met with an ENT a few weeks ago and this was the solution that we came up with.

So the next week in particular will be the most difficult. I will have nothing to eat but liquids. Cream of Wheat, Malt-O-Meal, Jell-O, Chicken Broth, Water, pop-cicles, Juice and whatever else [ice cream] is easy to deal with on my throat. Hopefully, I will heal quickly.

Anyway, don’t expect me to call or talk to you for a little while.

I’m going out with friends tonight to have a good hearty meal before I can no longer eat solids.

Ta Ta!

7 thoughts on “Tonsillectomy”

  1. I’ve got you covered! I’m just going to throw everything into the blender for you.

  2. Hope everything went ok today. Sleep a ton and take advantage of the good drugs they give you!!! Chrissy 🙂

  3. Hey Kiddo, you are a big boy and will do just fine. My daughter had this done when she was 7 and I am sure she paid little attention to the small interruption in her life at the time. You will feel much much better with the tonsils gone, they are like lint traps for germs. I do suggest staying away from milk based liquids (or ice cream)…just like a sore throat, it may make it worse.
    Take Care,

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