And Another One, And Another One…

Another one bites the dust!

Last login: Fri May 12 09:32:02 2006 from

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       _/ / | |'  | / /      ;   \_____|_0|
      /  /         | |       @    | |          *M   A   R   K  -  I  I*
     /   ----___   | |     =====   | |
    /           ----| |'''''''''''''| |  
    \..              | |             | |         Authorised use only.
       '''...         | |             | |
             '''...    \ \............/ /    Violators will be prosecuted
                   '''''''''''''''''''''    the fullest extent of the law.
adam@xx 11:03:56 ~$su -
root@xx 11:04:17 ~#date
Fri May 12 11:04:21 CDT 2006
root@xx 11:04:21 ~#shutdown -h now

Broadcast message from root (pts/1) (Fri May 12 11:04:38 2006):

The system is going down for system halt NOW!
root@xx 11:04:38 ~#Read from remote host Operation timed out
Connection to closed.

K9 Mark II was officially shutdown for good today.

Celebrate! For today marks the day of the new server that is K9 Mark ]I[!

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